The Nihot SDS-i is a semi-mobile, 'plug and play' air separator, able to generate a precise heavy / light separation for a wide range of input materials, including removing contaminants from high-value commodities in an MSW stream. Whether you’re removing inerts from biomass or compost, or processing glass, incinerator ash or Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR), the SDS-i will be of great value.
With capacities up to 15 t/h and a fraction size up to +/-150 mm, the SDS-i is truly multifunctional, especially because of its flexible settings of control parameters. With the widely acclaimed separation yields (by means of negative pressure), this unit will guarantee a fast return on investment. There are two available sizes; SDS 650-i and SDS 800-i.
Processes many different waste streams, including high moisture content input.
Easily transported. Fits in a semi-trailer pr 40' container.
Fast and easy to install:
Operational within 30 minutes of delivery.
It's easy to change the setting during operation.
Fraction sizes:
Capable of producing from 0-15mm up to 0-150mm.
Low Dust Emissions
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