JENZ has introduced a hybrid chipper truck to their range, utilising duel diesel engines for increased chipping power. The hybrid chipper truck reduces the reliance on a single diesel engine to power both the cabin and chipper, providing a more powerful chipper compared to the standard chipper truck range. The hybrid chippertruck comes equipped with a long reach loading grab and a hydraulically rotated blower chute for loading into a container.
The Cobra cabin has a single seat, with the cabin rotating 180 degrees so that you can operate the chipper and drive the truck from a single seated position.
Draw-in Height: 900mm
Draw-in Width: 1200mm
Diesel Engine: CAT C18; MAN Euro 6c
Power (kW/HP): 571/776 368/500
Rotor Diameter: 1,040mm
Weight: 35,000kg
Hardwood Diameter: up to 60cm
Softwood Diameter: up to 80cm
Length: 10,130mm
Width: 2,550mm
Height: 4,000mm
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